

This application was developed as a solo project and we were given about a week. The goal of the project was to create models a simplified version of a car dealership’s website and sales support system. Like many car dealership sites this application provides a public-facing area which allows users to browse the inventory of new and used vehicles, view current specials, and contact the dealership. Additionally, for sales personnel there is an area for logging customer information for a purchase and an administrative area for user management, application management, inventory management, and reporting.

Planning: To prepare for the work on a more complex application I developed planning documents that included a UML diagram, wireframes, and a database schema.

Building: I created a multi-tier MVC application on the back-end, Entity Framework for the DB implementation, ASP.NET MVC 5 project with Web API enabled for the UI Layer. The app provides basic CRUD functionality, and AJAX and jQuery to populate the respective page.

Project Management: The project management on an individual project like this was not as challenging as a group project, since I didn't have to spend the time on communicating, merging, etc. But it had to be done within a week so it was another kind of challenge. But I got a basic implementation of the project finished, and will continue to implement the remaining features over time.

Login Information below:
password for login: Pass@word1

Here is code as it is in it's current state.

Shack Up

Planning: We started our table creation script and use the provided wireframes to intuit a relational design.

Building: We put together the homepage by developing a responsive design UI, using the Factory Pattern to get the appropriate data, using @model to get the data from our controller into the webpage. Then we built a Web API so we could use AJAX to add a Contact and test it using PostMan. We implemented Dynamic Search, Server Side Validations, and Update Account page. For the database, we created stored procedure to delete and reload sample data. We then created a listings repository which used ADO.NET.

Project Management: Within the team we dicussed how Test Driven Development can be used to write our update test before we implement the code in our repository. We discussed the advantage behind using IEnumerable in our interfaces, learned that sometimes you have to update your unit tests as you continue to add functionality. We explored how now to not write SQL in our C#, and then go through how to properly create these queries.

See the source code in here.

DVD Library Database & Web API

This project is to create a database build scripts, an ASP.NET Web API project, and utilitze the REST client to connect to it.

See the source code in here.

Vending Machine

The app was written using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery to create a browser-based user interface that allows a user to interact with a virtual vending machine via the supplied vending machine REST API.

Flooring Company

Proper separation of responsibilities (Data, Model, Business Logic, UI). Interface was used to switch between Mock Repo (static memory) and Production Repo (File Read).


First project from the Software Guild using enum, classes, objects...etc. to simulate the classic board game.